Bonfire articles
In my role as Senior Copywriter for Lush, I researched and wrote three feature pieces for Bonfire. These long-form articles were used as lead magnets to attract new business here in Perth and nationally.
Using digital insights to drive business strategy
Especially now, as the post Covid economy grows globally
With economic growth statistics and predictions blanketing the news cycle, business leaders are forecasting their activity to make sure they’re ready. This will most certainly include a continued focus on digital transformations across operations and marketing.
Here we look at digital marketing data, with a focus on three ways that this data is shaping business strategy and organisation structure as the economy grows.
Here’s how it’s set to play out.
Economic growth and household spending
The world economy is expected to grow by 6% in 2021 and 4.4% in 2022, compared with 5.5% and 4.2% respectively previously. (The Guardian, 2021). Unemployment is set to decline to 6% this year and, with a $290bn post-covid economic stimulus announced in this year’s federal budget (Karp, 2021), household disposable income is higher. (Janda, 2021). So, what does that mean for purchase power?
Contact me to read the full article.
What are they demanding of us now?
Customer behaviours in 2021 and how to meet their CX demands
Let’s begin this conversation from a dystopian vantage point and build things up from there. Forbes reported a dramatic drop in CTRs on Google ads at the beginning of the pandemic with a 41% year-over-year decrease versus Q1 2019. (Agius, 2021).
We know that our customers are spending more time online, so why the drop? Well, it’s because of exactly that – time. We’re now more immune than ever to standard marketing messaging. We’ve become avid ad avoiders and – here’s where the demands start – we expect a flawless customer experience.
“In the digital age, customer experience is king. In the past, delivering a poor experience meant, at worst, getting a negative review or being lambasted on social media. Those things still happen, of course, but increasingly companies are watching their revenue dwindle as more customer-centric competitors rise to take their place.” Gibbons, 2021. ^^
This leads us to the next point about more time online. Your competitors are spending that same time (and marketing $) where you are. So, it’s official; the bar has been raised and the only place to go is … sideways. Yes, you need to *buzz-word trigger warning* pivot.
Contact me to read the full article.
But how do we prove it?
Reporting meaningful ROI on your long-term digital marketing strategy
Reporting can take on a different costume based on who you’re presenting to, and what they care about. For some, it may be short-term conversion numbers; others may be more concerned with long-term brand awareness and building groupthink around a certain change behaviour. Whatever it is, being able to deliver ROI reports that match business objectives is key.
“So, keep it simple. Carefully select a handful of core performance metrics and stick to them. Don’t be tempted to stuff every statistic into your reports — instead, include only those that speak to your campaign’s objectives.” Rahal, 2021.
The essential metrics to understand
Any digital campaign (if done right) will come with a set of reporting metrics that can be translated into meaningful ROI data … if you know what you’re looking for. These numbers will tell you everything from the cost of a sale to the value of your messaging (more on that later).
Here are the top three reporting metrics to commit to memory.
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