White House OOH ampaign

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This billboard launched the White House brand. As an OOH ad, the words needed to capture the essence of the brand and show how the band promise connected with the audience. I wrote five concepts and the client meandered between two options, landing on Nurturing Your Next Move.

There was a strong element of brand strategy that guided the work and the headline copy has since become a tagline and proposition for the brand.

Concept one - Safe Hands

This concept is all about capturing the sigh of relief that clients feel when they’ve got you on their team. You’ve “got it” and they can relax that they’re in safe hands. Hands that are effective, award-winning, top of their game, local, and authentic.

The word ‘home’ is also important here as we are shifting away from phrases that centre on ‘property’. You already have this in your logo – which serves an important function – however, when it comes to the headline, we need to get a bit closer to the emotion of it. Property is an industry, it has a transactional feeling. Flipping this to ‘home’, we automatically say to the audience that we understand the emotion in this process.

Billboard headline options:

  • Your home in safe hands

  • Your home deserves safe hands

  • Your home, safe hands

  • Your home calls for safe hands

Concept two - Alignment

This idea is all about creating a brand philosophy you can own in one word, alignment. You spoke a lot about the importance of alignment when it comes to your service. The alignment you have with your clients and the alignment you generate for them as they move forward. This is a concept that connects the heart space with the headspace, the IQ with the EQ. Emotional intelligence is not left out of the process with White House and it actually becomes what amplifies the whole process.

The idea of ‘alignment’ is a brand asset that we can further develop; alignment with price, location, lifestyle, the market, family needs, work needs, etc. It’s endless and it’s client-centric.

Billboard headline options:

  • Aligning hearts and homes

  • Aligning hearts with homes

  • Your home, our heart

Concept three - Nurturing

With the nurturing concept, we’re speaking to your ideal client: doctors with families who are looking to sell/buy property. These people ultimately possess a caring nature and have succeeded by working from a nurturing space first, with money and material success coming secondary. This is exactly how White House has come into fruition too. While not all of your clients will fit this mould, by speaking to your ideal audience, you’re setting a tone for the brand and the business. By playing on the word ‘move’ we are again connecting the IQ and EQ of White House and showing that we understand the whole journey. We’re essentially saying, “This is your next move in life and we understand how important it is.

Your home is more than just a listing to us. White House is different because we understand the whole journey and you can trust us to nurture the process.”

Billboard headline options:

  • Nurturing your family’s next move

  • Nurturing your next move

  • Your next move in safe hands
    (This option connects with the ‘safe hands’ idea to produce a slightly nuanced variation of ‘nurturing’)

Concept four - Handled With Care

White House is a property partner who cares. And this idea also needs to be handled with care because there’s a risk that it can sound cliché or disingenuous. When you care, you’re not just caring from a distance – where’s the results in that? You’re hands-on, you’re handling it. In the same way that ‘safe hands’ communicates a “we’ve got this” attitude, the word ‘handled’ does the same thing. The care is then coupled with action (a Sheepdog in a Labrador coat if you will)!

Billboard headline options:

  • Your property handled with care

  • Homes handled with care

Concept five - Process

This is the option that’s the furthest away from the heart space. And, in that, I will say that it’s the weakest option for me. There’s certainly merit is connecting your brand to a process that is by design. It evokes feelings of attention to detail, trust, meticulousness, precision, and care. For me, it doesn’t feel like it would differentiate you enough in this saturated market.

Billboard headline option: 

  • The property process by design