Smart Homes for Living

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Smart Homes for Living has been a longterm client of mine. I write website copy with a strict SEO strategy, brochure copy, advertising copy, internal tender copy, social media copy, and blogs.


Building with all the smarts

We all have our own set of smarts; yours may be parenting smarts, joking or street smarts. Whatever your smarts, we value all of them. And we’ve got a few special ones of our own: Finance Smarts, to help make that first home build a reality; Location Smarts, to lock in the right piece of WA land for you; Design Smarts, to create modern new homes with your lifestyle at the heart; People Smarts, to make the whole home building process a breeze; Value Smarts, to build the kind of new home you didn’t think you could afford; And Building Smarts, to deliver the best new homes in Perth and a lifetime of peace of mind.

CopywritingClare Reid