La Vida brand story and messaging
I ignited the strategic part of my brain and wrote the brand strategy for La Vida Homes. While I see myself as a writer, being a great writer often involves a whole lot of strategic thinking before a word hits the paper (or screen).
Following the brand strategy, I wrote the brand story and key messages for La Vida Homes.
Brand story
It's time. Make your mark
Life is remarkable. And every day is an opportunity to make your mark on the world. To say that you were here. You made moves that mattered; experienced it all. And, one of the biggest (okay, top three), most story-worthy experiences of the lot? This. What you're doing right here - building your new home! So, let's make sure this experience has your mark all over it.
But, what about going bigger than that? Like, global. La Vida is all about making sure that your impact is a positive one. And we don't just preach it, we practice it. Everything from the coffee pods we use in the office to the 7* energy rating of each home we build. Without the heavy layers of big-builder bureaucracy, we champion real change. And then give ourselves the mandate to act on it.
So, when you make life's biggest purchase, what kind of mark do you want to leave?
Get in touch to discuss the full brand story and brand strategy.
The brand strategy, brand story, and key messaging all worked together to inform the visual brand and website design. I then took off my strategist hat and adorned my more comfortable writer’s garb to craft the words for the website, alongside Jess Foley.