Schools Go Dance brand story

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This brand story was inspired by the brand personality of Dr Seuss. When all of their competitors used explicit messaging to speak about themselves and their experience, I chose to speak about the kids. A story of values and purpose is a far richer story to tell.

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” – Dr Seuss

That’s what we do. We make you, more you. Because there’s a whole lot about you that’s fun, and clever, and full of imagination, kindness, and joy. And for us, the joy is the best bit. It’s where we discover the freedom that makes us all come alive. Adults, kids … we’re all the same. And our bodies were made to move. Some bodies move that way, and some bodies move this way. Just like some brains learn that way, and some brains learn this way. So whichever way you move and whatever way you learn, always remember … there’s no one you-er than you!

Dance. It’s how we bring out the ‘you’ in each child. There’s a whole lot of play in movement and even more learning. Social, physical, individual, and foundational learning. From critical and creative thinking to English and maths; Schools Go Dance lights up learning. All lesson plans are infused with the WA curriculum, just like all of our teachers are infused with a lifelong passion for dance.  

You give yourself every day to help children grow into exactly who they’re born to be. We just add a little spring in their step (and their thinking) when they come back to class.