Lush the content agency PR

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This month I have been writing a lot of media content for my agency, Lush, as they tread new waters, make waves, and float new ideas.

Lush - The Content Agency wins Ngala pitch and commences work on brand refresh

The digital ink is now dry and Lush – The Content Agency is beginning work on the Ngala brand refresh.

As one of three local Perth agencies invited to pitch, Lush came away with the contract to work with the more than 125-year-old iconic organisation that is Ngala.

“We’re not your typical branding agency but we went into the pitch with a strong team and a strategic direction that showed Ngala the power of storytelling,” said Brendan Lobo, Head of Client Services, Lush.

“The team at Ngala asked for a creative branding solution but we used the pitch to take things back a step. It was important to show our strategic thinking and the complex narratives that work behind a brand identity and its key messages.” said Lobo. “This narrative thinking is the foundation of Lush’s work in content marketing and brand storytelling, one that has the power to give a brand a three-dimensional identity.”

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Lush launches short film under their new branded entertainment arm, Dear Storyteller

UnitingCare West engaged branded entertainment specialists, Lush – The Content Agency to encourage Perth people to give generously during Homelessness Week.

 Currently being screened in Yagan Square, this film is the first production to come out of Lush’s new branded entertainment arm, Dear Storyteller.

The creative idea is centred on the theme, ‘now you see me’.

The aim of the production was to not only make homelessness more visible, but to encourage audiences to see past a person’s situation and through to their humanity.

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Lush - The Content Agency launches new survey of video insights for WA marketers

Lush – The Content Agency has developed a video insights survey and is encouraging all WA marketers, advertisers, and communications people to get involved.

The power of video content and branded entertainment is rushing through the veins of local agencies now more than ever. The bigger players are quickly building new departments and launching content agency sub-brands, while marketers are looking for the statistical proof to sell a video content strategy into their budget watch-keepers.

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Lush - The Content Agency launches new branded entertainment arm, Dear Storyteller

Last Thursday night, Perth-based content agency, Lush, unveiled the branded entertainment arm of their business, Dear Storyteller.

Built on the premise (and the promise) of story-driven marketing, Dear Storyteller is delivering branded entertainment that tips audiences over an emotional threshold and inspires them to act. Perth marketing and ad people made it out to The Sapling in West Perth to sample two pieces of branded entertainment in a silent-disco-style immersion experience, while famed illustrator, Holly Fox, drew scenes from the evening story-board style.

A piece of branded entertainment was also created on the night in Crank Recording studio to bring the philosophy of story-driven, values-based marketing to life.

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CopywritingClare Reid